Outsmart Enemies with Dashes and SkillsMoving strategically and attacking is vital. Luring enemies to traps and getting hit by hazards will also affect the gauge, adding to the strategy. The Focus Level goes down when you are idle or just moving, so there is incentive to keep up the action. Test Your Strategic MightHitting or defeating enemies in succession increases your Focus Level, which determines the shards you receive and unlocks special powers called Modifiers. Develop intricate strategies to outmaneuver your opponents and follow your path to ascension! You are the one that decides the pacing of Evertried. Alternating between moving, attacking, using your dash, skills and luring enemies into hazards is the key to success. The game plays out as fast or methodical as you want, featuring a free-flowing turn-based action combat system. In other words, everything moves after you. These electrons are referred to as antibonding electrons.About This Game "Every Move Matters"In Evertried, the player’s actions dictate when enemy units move.

These "filling electrons" are referred to as bonding electrons. Bonding electrons: By noting how full the orbital shells of each atom are, you can determine how many of the electrons in higher energy states will be able to fill the more stable, lower-energy-state shells of the corresponding atom.

Antibonding electrons are the "free" or unbonded electrons that are pushed to higher orbital states. Bonding electrons are, essentially the electrons that stick together and fall into the lowest states. When two atoms come together to form a molecule, they seek to use each other's electrons to fill the lowest possible states in the electron orbital shells. Know the difference between bonding and antibonding orbitals.